An Introduction to the Event Loop in napari

Like most applications with a graphical user interface (GUI), napari operates within an event loop that waits for – and responds to – events triggered by the user interacting with the program. These events might be something like a mouse click, or a keypress, and usually correspond to some specific action taken by the user (e.g. “user moved the gamma slider”).

At its core, an event loop is rather simple. It amounts to something that looks like this (in pseudo-code):

event_queue = Queue()

while True:  # infinite loop!
    if not event_queue.is_empty():
        event = get_next_event()
        if event.value == 'Quit':

Actions taken by the user add events to the queue (“button pressed”, “slider moved”, etc…), and the event loop handles them one at a time.

The Qt Event Loop

Currently, napari uses Qt as its GUI backend, and the main loop handling events in napari is the Qt EventLoop. When you use the following syntax:

with napari.gui_qt():
    viewer = napari.Viewer()

… you are starting up the Qt event loop. This also explains why the only wait to get out of that gui_qt context is to stop the Qt event loop (usually by quitting the napari viewer). A deep dive into the Qt event loop is beyond the scope of this document, but it’s worth being aware of the central role that it plays in napari, and users interested in creating highly customized events and actions are advised to gain at least a little familiarity with the Qt event loop.

Hooking up your own events

If you’re coming from a background of scripting or working with python in an interactive console, thinking in terms of the “event loop” can feel a bit strange at time. Often we write code in a very procedural way: “do this … then do that, etc…”. With napari and other GUI programs however, usually you hook up a bunch of conditions and to callback functions (e.g. “If this event happens, then call this function”) and then start the loop and hope you hooked everything up correctly! Indeed, much of the napari source code is dedicated to creating and handling events: search the codebase for “.emit(“ and “.connect(” to find examples of creating and handling internal events, respectively.

If you would like to setup a custom event listener then you need to hook into the napari event. We offer a couple of convenience decorators to easily connect functions to key and mouse events.

Listening for keypress events

One option is to use keybindings, that will listen for keypresses and then call some callback whenever pressed, with the viewer instance passed as an argument to that function. As a basic example, to add a random image to the viewer every time the i key is pressed, and delete the last layer when the k key is pressed:

import numpy as np
import napari

with napari.gui_qt():
    viewer = napari.Viewer()

    def add_layer(viewer):
        viewer.add_image(np.random.random((512, 512)))

    def delete_layer(viewer):
        except IndexError:

See also this custom key bindings example.

Listening for mouse events

You can also listen for and react to mouse events, like a click or drag event, as show here where we update the image with random data every time it is clicked.

import numpy as np
import napari

with napari.gui_qt():
    viewer = napari.Viewer()
    layer = viewer.add_image(np.random.random((512, 512)))

    def update_layer(layer, event): = np.random.random((512, 512))

See also the custom mouse functions and mouse drag callback examples.

Connection functions to native napari events

If you want something to happen following some event that happens within napari, then trick becomes knowing which native signals any given napari object provides for you to “connect” to. Until we have centralized documentation for all of the events offered by napari objects, the best way to find these is to browse the source code. Take for instance, the base Layer class: you’ll find in the __init__ method a section that looks like this: = EmitterGroup(

That tells you that all layers are capable of emitting events called data, and name (among many others) that will (presumably) be emitted when that property changes. To provide your own response to that change, you can hook up a callback function that accepts the event object:

def print_layer_name(event):
    print(f"{} changed its data!")

Long-running, blocking functions

An important detail here is that the napari event loop is running in a single thread. This works just fine if the handling of each event is very short, as is usually the case with moving sliders, and pressing buttons. However, if one of the events in the queue takes a long time to process, then every other event must wait!

Take this example in napari:

import napari
import numpy as np

with napari.gui_qt():
    viewer = napari.Viewer()
    # everything is fine so far... but if we trigger a long computation
    image = np.random.rand(512, 1024, 1024).mean(0)
    # the entire interface freezes!

Here we have a long computation (np.random.rand(512, 1024, 1024).mean(0)) that “blocks” the main thread, meaning no button press, key press, or any other event can be processed until it’s done. In this scenario, it’s best to put your long-running function into another thread or process. napari provides a convenience for that, described in Multithreading in napari.