
class napari.plugins.PluginManager(project_name, *, discover_entry_point=None, discover_prefix=None, discover_path=None)[source]

Bases: object

Core class which manages registration of plugin objects and hook calls.

You can register new hooks by calling add_hookspecs(). You can register plugin objects (which contain hooks) by calling register(). The PluginManager is initialized with a project_name that is used when discovering hook specifications and hook implementations.

For debugging purposes you may call PluginManager.enable_tracing() which will subsequently send debug information to the trace helper.

  • project_name (str) – The name of the host project. All HookImplementationMarker and HookSpecificationMarker instances must be created using the same project_name to be detected by this plugin manager.

  • discover_entry_point (str, optional) – The default entry_point group to search when discovering plugins with, by default None

  • discover_prefix (str, optional) – The default module prefix to use when discovering plugins with, by default None

  • discover_path (str or list of str, optional) – A path or paths to include when discovering plugins with, by default None


from napari_plugin_engine import PluginManager
import my_hookspecs

plugin_manager = PluginManager(

# hooks now live in plugin_manager.hook
# plugin dict is at plugin_manager.plugins



add_hookcall_monitoring(before, after)[source]

Add before/after tracing functions for all hooks.

return an undo function which, when called, will remove the added tracers.

before(hook_name, hook_impls, kwargs) will be called ahead of all hook calls and receive a hookcaller instance, a list of HookImplementation instances and the keyword arguments for the hook call.

after(outcome, hook_name, hook_impls, kwargs) receives the same arguments as before but also a napari_plugin_engine.callers._Result object which represents the result of the overall hook call.

Return type

Callable[[], None]


Add new hook specifications defined in the given namespace.

Functions are recognized if they have been decorated accordingly.


Make sure all hooks have a specification, or are optional.


PluginValidationError – If a hook implementation that was not marked as optionalhook has been registered for a non-existent hook specification.

discover(path=None, entry_point=None, prefix=None, ignore_errors=True)[source]

Discover and load plugins.

  • path (str, optional) – If a string is provided, it is added to sys.path (and self.discover_path) before importing, and removed at the end.

  • entry_point (str, optional) – An entry_point group to search for, by default self.discover_entry_point is used

  • prefix (str, optional) – If provided, modules in the environment starting with prefix will be imported and searched for hook implementations by default self.discover_prefix is used

  • ignore_errors (bool, optional) – If True, errors will be gathered and returned at the end. Otherwise, they will be raised immediately. by default True


(count, errs) – The number of succefully loaded modules, and a list of errors that occurred (if ignore_errors was True)

Return type

Tuple[int, List[PluginError]]


A context manager that temporarily blocks discovery of new plugins.

Return type



Enable tracing of hook calls and return an undo function.

get_errors(plugin=<Empty.token: 0>, error_type=<Empty.token: 0>)[source]

Return a list of PluginErrors associated with plugin.

  • plugin (Any) – If provided, will restrict errors to those that were raised by plugin. If a string is provided, it will be interpreted as the name of the plugin, otherwise it is assumed to be the actual plugin object itself.

  • error_type (PluginError) – If provided, will restrict errors to instances of error_type.

Return type



get all hook callers for the specified plugin.

Return type


get_metadata(plugin, *values)[source]

Return metadata values for a given plugin

  • plugin (Any) – Either a string (in which case it is interpreted as a plugin name), or a non-string object (in which case it is assumed to be a plugin module or class).

  • *values (str) – key(s) to lookup in the plugin object distribution metadata. At least one value must be supplied.

  • TypeError – If no values are supplied.

  • KeyError – If the plugin does not exist.

Return type

Union[str, Dict[str, Optional[str]], None]


Return name for registered plugin or None if not registered.


Return a standard metadata dict for plugin.


plugin (Any) – A plugin name or any object. If it is a plugin name, it must be a registered plugin.


metadata – A dicts with plugin metadata. The dict is guaranteed to have the following keys:

  • plugin_name: The name of the plugin as registered

  • package: The name of the package

  • version: The version of the plugin package

  • summary: A one-line summary of what the distribution does

  • author: The author’s name

  • email: The author’s (or maintainer’s) e-mail address.

  • license: The license covering the distribution

  • url: The home page for the package, or dowload url if N/A.

  • hooks: A list of hookspec names that this plugin implements.

Return type



KeyError – If plugin is a string, but is not a registered plugin_name.

property hooks

An alias for PluginManager.hook

Return type



Return True if the given plugin name is blocked.

Return type



Return True if the plugin is already registered.

Return type


iter_available(path=None, entry_point=None, prefix=None)[source]

Iterate over available plugins.

  • path (str, optional) – If a string is provided, it is added to sys.path (and self.discover_path) before importing, and removed at the end.

  • entry_point (str, optional) – An entry_point group to search for, by default self.discover_entry_point is used

  • prefix (str, optional) – If provided, modules in the environment starting with prefix will be imported and searched for hook implementations by default self.discover_prefix is used

:param See docstring of iter_available_plugins() for details.:

Return type

Generator[Tuple[str, str, Optional[str]], None, None]


Return list of standard metadata dicts for every registered plugin.


metadata – A list of dicts with plugin metadata. Every dict in the list is guaranteed to have the following keys mentioned in get_standard_metadata()

Return type


plugins: Dict[str, Any]

mapping of plugin_nameplugin (object)

Plugins get added to this dict in register()




Unregister modules that can no longer be imported.

Useful if pip uninstall has been run during the session.

register(namespace, name=None)[source]

Register a plugin and return its canonical name or None.

  • plugin (Any) – The namespace (class, module, dict, etc…) to register

  • name (str, optional) – Optional name for plugin, by default get_canonical_name(plugin)


canonical plugin name, or None if the name is blocked from registering.

Return type

str or None

  • TypeError – If namespace is a string.

  • ValueError – if the plugin name or namespace is already registered.

set_blocked(plugin_name, blocked=True)[source]

Block registrations of plugin_name, unregister if registered.

  • plugin_name (str) – A plugin name to block.

  • blocked (bool, optional) – Whether to block the plugin. If False will “unblock” plugin_name. by default True


Unregister a plugin object or plugin_name.


name_or_object (str or Any) – A module/class object or a plugin name (string).


module – The module object, or None if the name_or_object was not found.

Return type

Any or None