Source code for napari_plugin_engine.manager

import functools
import importlib
import inspect
import os
import re
import sys
import warnings
from contextlib import contextmanager
from logging import getLogger
from pathlib import Path
from typing import (

from . import _tracing
from .callers import HookResult
from .dist import (
from .exceptions import (
from .hooks import HookCaller, HookExecFunc
from .implementation import HookImplementation, HookSpecification
from .markers import HookImplementationMarker, HookSpecificationMarker

logger = getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class PluginManager: """Core class which manages registration of plugin objects and hook calls. You can register new hooks by calling :meth:`~PluginManager.add_hookspecs`. You can register plugin objects (which contain hooks) by calling :meth:`~PluginManager.register`. The ``PluginManager`` is initialized with a ``project_name`` that is used when discovering *hook specifications* and *hook implementations*. For debugging purposes you may call :meth:`.PluginManager.enable_tracing` which will subsequently send debug information to the trace helper. Parameters ---------- project_name : str The name of the host project. All :class:`HookImplementationMarker` and :class:`HookSpecificationMarker` instances must be created using the same ``project_name`` to be detected by this plugin manager. discover_entry_point : str, optional The default entry_point group to search when discovering plugins with :meth:``, by default None discover_prefix : str, optional The default module prefix to use when discovering plugins with :meth:``, by default None discover_path : str or list of str, optional A path or paths to include when discovering plugins with :meth:``, by default None Examples -------- .. code-block:: python from napari_plugin_engine import PluginManager import my_hookspecs plugin_manager = PluginManager( 'my_project', discover_entry_point='app.plugin', discover_prefix='app_', ) plugin_manager.add_hookspecs(my_hookspecs) # hooks now live in plugin_manager.hook # plugin dict is at plugin_manager.plugins """ def __init__( self, project_name: str, *, discover_entry_point: Optional[str] = None, discover_prefix: Optional[str] = None, discover_path: Optional[List[str]] = None, ): self.project_name = project_name self.discover_entry_point = discover_entry_point self.discover_prefix = discover_prefix self.discover_path = discover_path or [] #: dict : mapping of ``plugin_name`` → ``plugin`` (object) #: #: Plugins get added to this dict in :meth:`~PluginManager.register` self.plugins: Dict[str, Any] = {} #: dict : mapping of ``plugin`` (object) → list of :class:`HookCaller` #: #: :class:`HookCaller` s get added in :meth:`~PluginManager.register` self._plugin2hookcallers: Dict[Any, List[HookCaller]] = {} self._blocked: Set[str] = set() self.trace = _tracing.TagTracer().get("pluginmanage") self.hook = _HookRelay(self) self._inner_hookexec: HookExecFunc = lambda c, m, k: c.multicall( m, k, firstresult=c.is_firstresult ) @property def hooks(self) -> '_HookRelay': """An alias for PluginManager.hook""" return self.hook def _hookexec( self, caller: HookCaller, methods: List[HookImplementation], kwargs: dict, ) -> HookResult: """Returns a function that will call a set of hookipmls with a caller. This function will be passed to ``HookCaller`` instances that are created during hookspec and plugin registration. If :meth:`~.PluginManager.enable_tracing` is used, it will set it's own wrapper function at self._inner_hookexec to enable tracing of hook calls. Parameters ---------- caller : HookCaller The HookCaller instance that will call the HookImplementations. methods : List[HookImplementation] A list of :class:`~napari_plugin_engine.HookImplementation` objects whose functions will be called during the hook call loop. kwargs : dict Keyword arguments to pass when calling the ``HookImplementation``. Returns ------- :class:`~napari_plugin_engine.HookResult` The result object produced by the multicall loop. """ return self._inner_hookexec(caller, methods, kwargs)
[docs] def iter_available( self, path: Optional[str] = None, entry_point: Optional[str] = None, prefix: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Generator[Tuple[str, str, Optional[str]], None, None]: """Iterate over available plugins. Parameters ---------- path : str, optional If a string is provided, it is added to ``sys.path`` (and ``self.discover_path``) before importing, and removed at the end. entry_point : str, optional An entry_point group to search for, by default ``self.discover_entry_point`` is used prefix : str, optional If ``provided``, modules in the environment starting with ``prefix`` will be imported and searched for hook implementations by default ``self.discover_prefix`` is used See docstring of :func:`iter_available_plugins` for details. """ _path = self.discover_path if path: _path.append(path) yield from iter_available_plugins( entry_point or self.discover_entry_point, prefix or self.discover_prefix, _path, include_uninstalled=bool(self.discover_prefix), )
[docs] def discover( self, path: Optional[str] = None, entry_point: Optional[str] = None, prefix: Optional[str] = None, ignore_errors: bool = True, ) -> Tuple[int, List[PluginError]]: """Discover and load plugins. Parameters ---------- path : str, optional If a string is provided, it is added to ``sys.path`` (and ``self.discover_path``) before importing, and removed at the end. entry_point : str, optional An entry_point group to search for, by default ``self.discover_entry_point`` is used prefix : str, optional If ``provided``, modules in the environment starting with ``prefix`` will be imported and searched for hook implementations by default ``self.discover_prefix`` is used ignore_errors : bool, optional If ``True``, errors will be gathered and returned at the end. Otherwise, they will be raised immediately. by default True Returns ------- (count, errs) : Tuple[int, List[PluginError]] The number of succefully loaded modules, and a list of errors that occurred (if ``ignore_errors`` was ``True``) """ self.hook._needs_discovery = False # allow debugging escape hatch if os.environ.get("DISABLE_ALL_PLUGINS"): warnings.warn( 'Plugin discovery disabled due to ' 'environmental variable "DISABLE_ALL_PLUGINS"' ) return 0, [] errs: List[PluginError] = [] count = 0 for name, mod_name, dist_name in self.iter_available( path, entry_point, prefix ): if self.is_registered(name) or self.is_blocked(name): continue try: if self._load_and_register(mod_name, name): count += 1 except PluginError as e: errs.append(e) self.set_blocked(name) if ignore_errors: continue raise e return count, errs
[docs] @contextmanager def discovery_blocked(self) -> Generator: """A context manager that temporarily blocks discovery of new plugins.""" current = self.hook._needs_discovery self.hook._needs_discovery = False try: yield finally: self.hook._needs_discovery = current
def _load_and_register( self, mod_name: str, plugin_name: Optional[str] = None ) -> Optional[str]: """A helper function to import and register a module as ``plugin_name``. Parameters ---------- mod : str The name of a module (or class in a module) to load. plugin_name : str, optional Optional name for plugin, by default ``get_canonical_name(plugin)`` Returns ------- str or None canonical plugin name, or ``None`` if the name is blocked from registering. Raises ------ PluginImportError If an exception is raised when importing the module. PluginRegistrationError If an entry_point is declared that is neither a module nor a class. PluginRegistrationError If an exception is raised during plugin registration. """ try: module = load(mod_name) if self.is_registered(module): return None except Exception as exc: raise PluginImportError( f'Error while importing module {mod_name}', plugin_name=plugin_name, cause=exc, ) if not (inspect.isclass(module) or inspect.ismodule(module)): raise PluginRegistrationError( f'Plugin "{plugin_name}" declared entry_point "{mod_name}"' ' which is neither a module nor a class.', plugin=module, plugin_name=plugin_name, ) try: return self.register(module, plugin_name) except PluginError: raise except Exception as exc: raise PluginRegistrationError( plugin=module, plugin_name=plugin_name, cause=exc )
[docs] def register( self, namespace: Any, name: Optional[str] = None ) -> Optional[str]: """Register a plugin and return its canonical name or ``None``. Parameters ---------- plugin : Any The namespace (class, module, dict, etc...) to register name : str, optional Optional name for plugin, by default ``get_canonical_name(plugin)`` Returns ------- str or None canonical plugin name, or ``None`` if the name is blocked from registering. Raises ------ TypeError If ``namespace`` is a string. ValueError if the plugin ``name`` or ``namespace`` is already registered. """ if isinstance(namespace, str): raise TypeError("Plugin objects cannot be strings.") if isinstance(namespace, dict): return self._register_dict(namespace, name) plugin_name = name or get_canonical_name(namespace) if self.is_blocked(plugin_name): return None if self.is_registered(plugin_name): raise ValueError(f"Plugin name already registered: {plugin_name}") if self.is_registered(namespace): raise ValueError(f"Plugin module already registered: {namespace}") hookcallers = [] for hookimpl in iter_implementations(namespace, self.project_name): hookimpl.plugin_name = plugin_name hook_caller = getattr(self.hook, hookimpl.specname, None) # if we don't yet have a hookcaller by this name, create one. if hook_caller is None: hook_caller = HookCaller(hookimpl.specname, self._hookexec) setattr(self.hook, hookimpl.specname, hook_caller) # otherwise, if it has a specification, validate the new # hookimpl against the specification. elif hook_caller.has_spec(): self._verify_hook(hook_caller, hookimpl) hook_caller._maybe_apply_history(hookimpl) # Finally, add the hookimpl to the hook_caller and the hook # caller to the list of callers for this plugin. hook_caller._add_hookimpl(hookimpl) hookcallers.append(hook_caller) self._plugin2hookcallers[namespace] = hookcallers self.plugins[plugin_name] = namespace return plugin_name
def _register_dict( self, dct: Dict[str, Callable], name: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs ) -> Optional[str]: """Register a dict as a mapping of method name -> method. Parameters ---------- dct : Dict[str, Callable] Mapping of method name to method. name : Optional[str], optional The plugin_name to assign to this object, by default None Returns ------- str or None canonical plugin name, or ``None`` if the name is blocked from registering. """ mark = HookImplementationMarker(self.project_name) clean_dct = { key: mark(specname=key, **kwargs)(val) for key, val in dct.items() if inspect.isfunction(val) } namespace = ensure_namespace(clean_dct) return self.register(namespace, name)
[docs] def get_name(self, plugin): """ Return name for registered plugin or ``None`` if not registered. """ for name, val in self.plugins.items(): if plugin == val: return name
def _ensure_plugin(self, name_or_object: Any) -> Any: """Return plugin object given a name or object. Or raise an exception. Parameters ---------- name_or_object : Any Either a string (in which case it is interpreted as a plugin name), or a non-string object (in which case it is assumed to be a plugin module or class). Returns ------- Any The plugin object, if found. Raises ------ KeyError If the plugin does not exist. """ if isinstance(name_or_object, str): plugin_name = name_or_object else: plugin_name = self.get_name(name_or_object) if plugin_name in self.plugins: return self.plugins[plugin_name] if isinstance(name_or_object, str): msg = f"No plugin found with the name {name_or_object}" else: msg = f"No plugin found with the name {name_or_object}" raise KeyError(msg)
[docs] def unregister(self, name_or_object: Any) -> Optional[Any]: """Unregister a plugin object or ``plugin_name``. Parameters ---------- name_or_object : str or Any A module/class object or a plugin name (string). Returns ------- module : Any or None The module object, or None if the ``name_or_object`` was not found. """ try: plugin = self._ensure_plugin(name_or_object) except KeyError as e: warnings.warn(str(e)) return None del self.plugins[self.get_name(plugin)] for hookcaller in self._plugin2hookcallers.pop(plugin, []): hookcaller._remove_plugin(plugin) return plugin
[docs] def prune(self): """Unregister modules that can no longer be imported. Useful if pip uninstall has been run during the session. """ _top_level_module_to_dist.cache_clear() for plugin_module in list(self.plugins.values()): try: importlib.reload(plugin_module) except ModuleNotFoundError: self.unregister(plugin_module)
def _add_hookspec_dict(self, dct: Dict[str, Callable], **kwargs): mark = HookSpecificationMarker(self.project_name) clean_dct = { key: mark(**kwargs)(val) for key, val in dct.items() if inspect.isfunction(val) } namespace = ensure_namespace(clean_dct) return self.add_hookspecs(namespace)
[docs] def add_hookspecs(self, namespace: Any): """Add new hook specifications defined in the given ``namespace``. Functions are recognized if they have been decorated accordingly. """ names = [] for name in dir(namespace): method = getattr(namespace, name) if not inspect.isroutine(method): continue tag = HookSpecification.format_tag(self.project_name) spec_opts = getattr(method, tag, None) if spec_opts is not None: hook_caller = getattr(self.hook, name, None) if hook_caller is None: hook_caller = HookCaller( name, self._hookexec, namespace, spec_opts ) setattr(self.hook, name, hook_caller) else: # plugins registered this hook without knowing the spec hook_caller.set_specification(namespace, spec_opts) for hookfunction in hook_caller.get_hookimpls(): self._verify_hook(hook_caller, hookfunction) names.append(name) if not names: raise ValueError( f"did not find any {self.project_name!r} hooks in {namespace!r}" )
[docs] def is_registered(self, obj: Any) -> bool: """Return ``True`` if the plugin is already registered.""" if isinstance(obj, str): return obj in self.plugins return obj in self._plugin2hookcallers
[docs] def is_blocked(self, plugin_name: str) -> bool: """Return ``True`` if the given plugin name is blocked.""" return plugin_name in self._blocked
[docs] def set_blocked(self, plugin_name: str, blocked=True): """Block registrations of ``plugin_name``, unregister if registered. Parameters ---------- plugin_name : str A plugin name to block. blocked : bool, optional Whether to block the plugin. If ``False`` will "unblock" ``plugin_name``. by default True """ if blocked: self._blocked.add(plugin_name) if self.is_registered(plugin_name): self.unregister(plugin_name) else: if plugin_name in self._blocked: self._blocked.remove(plugin_name)
[docs] def get_errors( self, plugin: Union[Any, Empty] = _empty, error_type: Union[Type['PluginError'], Empty] = _empty, ) -> List[PluginError]: """Return a list of PluginErrors associated with ``plugin``. Parameters ---------- plugin : Any If provided, will restrict errors to those that were raised by ``plugin``. If a string is provided, it will be interpreted as the name of the plugin, otherwise it is assumed to be the actual plugin object itself. error_type : PluginError If provided, will restrict errors to instances of ``error_type``. """ # not using _ensure_plugin because it may not have been successfully # registered plugin_name: Union[str, Empty] = _empty if isinstance(plugin, str): plugin_name = plugin plugin = _empty return PluginError.get( plugin=plugin, plugin_name=plugin_name, error_type=error_type )
def _verify_hook( self, hook_caller: HookCaller, hookimpl: HookImplementation ): """Check validity of a ``hookimpl`` Parameters ---------- hook_caller : HookCaller A :class:`HookCaller` instance. hookimpl : HookImplementation A :class:`HookImplementation` instance, implementing the hook in ``hook_caller``. Raises ------ PluginValidationError If hook_caller is historic and the hookimpl is a hookwrapper. PluginValidationError If there are any argument names in the ``hookimpl`` that are not in the ``hook_caller.spec``. Warns ----- Warning If the hookspec has ``warn_on_impl`` flag (usually a deprecation). """ # historic hooks cannot have hookwrappers if hook_caller.is_historic() and hookimpl.hookwrapper: raise PluginValidationError( hookimpl, f"Plugin {hookimpl.plugin_name!r}\nhook " f"{!r}\nhistoric incompatible to hookwrapper", ) if not hook_caller.spec: return # If the hookspec has ``warn_on_impl`` flag show a warning. if hook_caller.spec.warn_on_impl: warnings.warn_explicit( hook_caller.spec.warn_on_impl, type(hook_caller.spec.warn_on_impl), lineno=hookimpl.function.__code__.co_firstlineno, filename=hookimpl.function.__code__.co_filename, ) # If there are any argument names in the hookimpl that are not # in the hook specification. notinspec = set(hookimpl.argnames) - set(hook_caller.spec.argnames) if notinspec: raise PluginValidationError( hookimpl, f"Plugin {hookimpl.plugin_name!r} for hook {!r}" f"\nhookimpl definition: {_formatdef(hookimpl.function)}\n" f"Argument(s) {notinspec} are declared in the hookimpl but " "can not be found in the hookspec", )
[docs] def check_pending(self): """Make sure all hooks have a specification, or are optional. Raises ------ PluginValidationError If a hook implementation that was *not* marked as ``optionalhook`` has been registered for a non-existent hook specification. """ for name in self.hook.__dict__: if name.startswith("_"): continue hook = getattr(self.hook, name) if not hook.has_spec(): for hookimpl in hook.get_hookimpls(): if not hookimpl.optionalhook: raise PluginValidationError( hookimpl, f"unknown hook {name!r} in " f"plugin {hookimpl.plugin!r}", )
[docs] def get_hookcallers(self, plugin: Any) -> Optional[List[HookCaller]]: """ get all hook callers for the specified plugin. """ return self._plugin2hookcallers.get(plugin)
[docs] def add_hookcall_monitoring( self, before: Callable[[str, List[HookImplementation], dict], None], after: Callable[ [HookResult, str, List[HookImplementation], dict], None ], ) -> Callable[[], None]: """Add before/after tracing functions for all hooks. return an undo function which, when called, will remove the added tracers. ``before(hook_name, hook_impls, kwargs)`` will be called ahead of all hook calls and receive a hookcaller instance, a list of HookImplementation instances and the keyword arguments for the hook call. ``after(outcome, hook_name, hook_impls, kwargs)`` receives the same arguments as ``before`` but also a :py:class:`napari_plugin_engine.callers._Result` object which represents the result of the overall hook call. """ oldcall = self._inner_hookexec def traced_hookexec( caller: HookCaller, impls: List[HookImplementation], kwargs: dict ): before(, impls, kwargs) outcome = HookResult.from_call( lambda: oldcall(caller, impls, kwargs) ) after(outcome,, impls, kwargs) return outcome self._inner_hookexec = traced_hookexec def undo(): self._inner_hookexec = oldcall return undo
[docs] def enable_tracing(self): """Enable tracing of hook calls and return an undo function. """ hooktrace = self.trace.root.get("hook") def before(hook_name, methods, kwargs): hooktrace.root.indent += 1 hooktrace(hook_name, kwargs) def after(outcome, hook_name, methods, kwargs): if outcome.excinfo is None: hooktrace("finish", hook_name, "-->", outcome.result) hooktrace.root.indent -= 1 return self.add_hookcall_monitoring(before, after)
[docs] def get_metadata( self, plugin: Any, *values ) -> Optional[Union[str, Dict[str, Optional[str]]]]: """Return metadata values for a given plugin Parameters ---------- plugin : Any Either a string (in which case it is interpreted as a plugin name), or a non-string object (in which case it is assumed to be a plugin module or class). *values : str key(s) to lookup in the plugin object distribution metadata. At least one value must be supplied. Raises ------ TypeError If no values are supplied. KeyError If the plugin does not exist. """ if not values: raise TypeError( 'get_metadata() requires at least one positional ' 'argument: the metadata value(s) to lookup' ) # allow other objects to pass through directly to get_metadata if isinstance(plugin, str): plugin = self._ensure_plugin(plugin) return get_metadata(plugin, *values)
[docs] def get_standard_metadata(self, plugin: Any): """Return a standard metadata dict for ``plugin``. Parameters ---------- plugin : Any A plugin name or any object. If it is a plugin name, it *must* be a registered plugin. Returns ------- metadata : dict A dicts with plugin metadata. The dict is guaranteed to have the following keys: - **plugin_name**: The name of the plugin as registered - **package**: The name of the package - **version**: The version of the plugin package - **summary**: A one-line summary of what the distribution does - **author**: The author’s name - **email**: The author’s (or maintainer's) e-mail address. - **license**: The license covering the distribution - **url**: The home page for the package, or dowload url if N/A. - **hooks**: A list of hookspec names that this plugin implements. Raises ------ KeyError If ``plugin`` is a string, but is not a registered plugin_name. """ if isinstance(plugin, str): plugin = self._ensure_plugin(plugin) plugin_name = self.get_name(plugin) # TODO: is there no better API for this already? hooks = [] for caller in self._plugin2hookcallers[plugin]: try: impl = caller.get_plugin_implementation(plugin_name) hooks.append(impl.specname) except KeyError: pass plugin_meta = dict(plugin_name=plugin_name, hooks=hooks) plugin_meta.update(standard_metadata(plugin)) return plugin_meta
[docs] def list_plugin_metadata(self) -> List[Dict[str, Optional[str]]]: """Return list of standard metadata dicts for every registered plugin. Returns ------- metadata : dict A list of dicts with plugin metadata. Every dict in the list is guaranteed to have the following keys mentioned in :meth:`~PluginManager.get_standard_metadata` """ return [ self.get_standard_metadata(plugin) for plugin in self._plugin2hookcallers ]
def __str__(self) -> str: nhooks = len(self.hooks) nplug = len(self.plugins) text = f'PluginManager for "{self.project_name}"\n' text += f'({nhooks} hook specs and {nplug} plugins)\n' text += '-' * 45 + '\n' for name, plugin in sorted(self.plugins.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]): text += self.plugin_info(plugin) + "\n" # nhooks = len(self._plugin2hookcallers[plugin]) # text += f'{name:29} {nhooks:3} hooks\n' return text def plugin_info(self, plugin) -> str: plugin = self._ensure_plugin(plugin) plugin_name = self.get_name(plugin) version = self.get_metadata(plugin, 'version') hooks = self._plugin2hookcallers[plugin] name = f'{plugin_name} v{version}' text = f'{name:34} {len(hooks):3} hooks\n' for hook_caller in hooks: for impl in hook_caller.get_hookimpls(): if impl.plugin_name == plugin_name: text += f" - {impl.specname}\n" return text
def _formatdef(func): return f"{func.__name__}{str(inspect.signature(func))}" class _HookRelay: """Hook holder object for storing HookCaller instances. This object triggers (lazy) discovery of plugins as follows: When a plugin hook is accessed (e.g. plugin_manager.hook.napari_get_reader), if ``self._needs_discovery`` is True, then it will trigger autodiscovery on the parent plugin_manager. Note that ``PluginManager.__init__`` sets ``self.hook._needs_discovery = True`` *after* hook_specifications and builtins have been discovered, but before external plugins are loaded. """ def __init__(self, manager: PluginManager): self._manager = manager self._needs_discovery = True def __getattribute__(self, name) -> HookCaller: """Trigger manager plugin discovery when accessing hook first time.""" if name not in ("_needs_discovery", "_manager"): if self._needs_discovery: return object.__getattribute__(self, name) def __str__(self) -> str: text = '' for hookname, hookcaller in sorted(self.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]): text += ( f'{hookname:25} {len(hookcaller.get_hookimpls()):3}' ' implementations\n' ) return text def __len__(self) -> int: return len([k for k in vars(self) if not k.startswith("_")]) def items(self) -> List[Tuple[str, HookCaller]]: """Iterate through hookcallers, removing private attributes.""" return [ (k, val) for k, val in vars(self).items() if not k.startswith("_") ] def values(self) -> List[HookCaller]: """Iterate through hookcallers, removing private attributes.""" return [val for k, val in vars(self).items() if not k.startswith("_")] def get_canonical_name(namespace: Any) -> str: """Return canonical name for a plugin object. Note that a plugin may be registered under a different name which was specified by the caller of :meth:`PluginManager.register(plugin, name) <.PluginManager.register>`. To obtain the name of a registered plugin use :meth:`get_name(plugin) <.PluginManager.get_name>` instead. """ return getattr(namespace, "__name__", None) or str(id(namespace)) def iter_implementations( namespace, project_name: str ) -> Generator[HookImplementation, None, None]: # register matching hook implementations of the plugin for name in dir(namespace): # check all attributes/methods of plugin and look for functions or # methods that have a "{self.project_name}_impl" attribute. method = getattr(namespace, name) if not inspect.isroutine(method): continue tag = HookImplementation.format_tag(project_name) hookimpl_opts = getattr(method, tag, None) if not (isinstance(hookimpl_opts, dict) and hookimpl_opts): # false positive continue # create the HookImplementation instance for this method try: yield HookImplementation(method, namespace, **hookimpl_opts) except TypeError: # final fallback if the hookimpl_opts dict has invalid keys # it's probably not a real hook implementation anyway. pass def ensure_namespace(obj: Any, name: str = 'orphan') -> Type: """Convert a ``dict`` to an object that provides ``getattr``. Parameters ---------- obj : Any An object, may be a ``dict``, or a regular namespace object. name : str, optional A name to use for the new namespace, if created. by default 'orphan' Returns ------- type A namespace object. If ``obj`` is a ``dict``, creates a new ``type`` named ``name``, prepopulated with the key:value pairs from ``obj``. Otherwise, if ``obj`` is not a ``dict``, will return the original ``obj``. Raises ------ ValueError If ``obj`` is a ``dict`` that contains keys that are not valid `identifiers <>`_. """ if isinstance(obj, dict): bad_keys = [str(k) for k in obj.keys() if not str(k).isidentifier()] if bad_keys: raise ValueError( f"dict contained invalid identifiers: {', '.join(bad_keys)}" ) return type(name, (), obj) return obj @contextmanager def temp_path_additions(path: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]]) -> Generator: """A context manager that temporarily adds ``path`` to sys.path. Parameters ---------- path : str or list of str A path or list of paths to add to sys.path Yields ------- sys_path : list of str The current sys.path for the context. """ if isinstance(path, (str, Path)): path = [path] path = [os.fspath(p) for p in path] if path else [] to_add = [p for p in path if p not in sys.path] for p in to_add: sys.path.insert(0, p) try: yield sys.path finally: for p in to_add: sys.path.remove(p) pattern = re.compile( r'(?P<module>[\w.]+)\s*' r'(:\s*(?P<attr>[\w.]+))?\s*' r'(?P<extras>\[.*\])?\s*$' ) def load(value: str): """Load and return a module or attribute of a module (such as a class). If only a module is indicated by the value, return that module. Otherwise, return the named object. """ match = pattern.match(value) if not match: raise ValueError(f"malformed entry point string: {value}") module = importlib.import_module('module')) attrs = filter(None, ('attr') or '').split('.')) return functools.reduce(getattr, attrs, module) def iter_available_plugins( group: Optional[str] = None, prefix: Optional[str] = None, path: Optional[Union[str, List[str]]] = None, include_uninstalled: bool = None, ) -> Generator[Tuple[str, str, Optional[str]], None, None]: """Discover modules by both naming convention and entry_points. 1. `Using naming convention <>`_: modules installed in the environment that follow a naming convention (e.g. "napari_plugin"), can be discovered using :mod:`pkgutil`. This also enables easy discovery using the PyPI `simple API <>`_ 2) `Using package metadata <>`_: packages that declare an `entry_point <>`_ in their ```` file that matches the ``entry_point`` argument can be discovered using `importlib.metadata <>`_. For background on entry points, see the `Entry Point specification <>`_. Parameters ---------- group : str The entry_point group name to search for prefix : str Any modules found in sys.path whose names begin with ``prefix`` will be imported and searched for hook implementations. path : str or list of str, optional Path or paths to add to sys.path before importing, removed at the end. include_uninstalled : bool, optional Whether to search for "local" (uninstalled) modules. Requires that a prefix is provided. By default, True when prefix is provided. Raises ------ ValueError If ``include_uninstalled`` is true and ``prefix`` is not provided. """ if include_uninstalled is None: include_uninstalled = bool(prefix) with temp_path_additions(path): _seen = set() for dist in importlib_metadata.distributions(): matched = False if group and not os.getenv("DISABLE_ENTRYPOINT_PLUGINS"): for ep in dist.entry_points: if == group: # type: ignore matched = True _seen.add(ep.value.split(".", maxsplit=1)[0]) yield (, ep.value, dist.metadata.get("name"), ) if matched: continue if prefix and not os.getenv("DISABLE_PREFIX_PLUGINS"): name = dist.metadata.get("name") if not name or name == prefix or (not name.startswith(prefix)): continue top_modules = dist.read_text('top_level.txt') or "" for mod in filter(None, top_modules.split('\n')): if mod.startswith(prefix): _seen.add(mod) yield (name, mod, name) if include_uninstalled and not os.getenv("DISABLE_PREFIX_PLUGINS"): from pkgutil import iter_modules if not prefix: raise ValueError( "A prefix must be provided with 'include_uninstalled'." ) for finder, mod_name, ispkg in iter_modules(): if ( mod_name.startswith(prefix) and mod_name != prefix and mod_name not in _seen ): yield (mod_name, mod_name, None)