Source code for napari.utils.misc

"""Miscellaneous utility functions.
import builtins
import inspect
import itertools
import os
import re
import sys
from enum import Enum, EnumMeta
from os import PathLike, fspath, path
from pathlib import Path
from typing import (

import numpy as np

    import packaging.version

ROOT_DIR = path.dirname(path.dirname(__file__))

    from importlib import metadata as importlib_metadata
except ImportError:
    import importlib_metadata  # noqa

def parse_version(v) -> 'packaging.version._BaseVersion':
    """Parse a version string and return a packaging.version.Version obj."""
    import packaging.version

        return packaging.version.Version(v)
    except packaging.version.InvalidVersion:
        return packaging.version.LegacyVersion(v)

[docs]def running_as_bundled_app() -> bool: """Infer whether we are running as a briefcase bundle""" # # app_module = sys.modules['__main__'].__package__ try: metadata = importlib_metadata.metadata(app_module) except importlib_metadata.PackageNotFoundError: return False return 'Briefcase-Version' in metadata
def bundle_bin_dir() -> Optional[str]: """Return path to briefcase app_packages/bin if it exists.""" bin = path.join(path.dirname(sys.exec_prefix), 'app_packages', 'bin') if path.isdir(bin): return bin def in_jupyter() -> bool: """Return true if we're running in jupyter notebook/lab or qtconsole.""" try: from IPython import get_ipython return get_ipython().__class__.__name__ == 'ZMQInteractiveShell' except Exception: pass return False def in_ipython() -> bool: """Return true if we're running in an IPython interactive shell.""" try: from IPython import get_ipython return get_ipython().__class__.__name__ == 'TerminalInteractiveShell' except Exception: pass return False def str_to_rgb(arg): """Convert an rgb string 'rgb(x,y,z)' to a list of ints [x,y,z].""" return list( map(int, re.match(r'rgb\((\d+),\s*(\d+),\s*(\d+)\)', arg).groups()) ) def ensure_iterable(arg, color=False): """Ensure an argument is an iterable. Useful when an input argument can either be a single value or a list. If a color is passed then it will be treated specially to determine if it is iterable. """ if is_iterable(arg, color=color): return arg else: return itertools.repeat(arg) def is_iterable(arg, color=False): """Determine if a single argument is an iterable. If a color is being provided and the argument is a 1-D array of length 3 or 4 then the input is taken to not be iterable. """ if arg is None: return False elif type(arg) is str: return False elif np.isscalar(arg): return False elif color and isinstance(arg, (list, np.ndarray)): if np.array(arg).ndim == 1 and (len(arg) == 3 or len(arg) == 4): return False else: return True else: return True def is_sequence(arg): """Check if ``arg`` is a sequence like a list or tuple. return True: list tuple return False string numbers dict set """ if isinstance(arg, and not isinstance(arg, str): return True return False def ensure_sequence_of_iterables(obj, length: Optional[int] = None): """Ensure that ``obj`` behaves like a (nested) sequence of iterables. If length is provided and the object is already a sequence of iterables, a ValueError will be raised if ``len(obj) != length``. Parameters ---------- obj : Any the object to check length : int, optional If provided, assert that obj has len ``length``, by default None Returns ------- iterable nested sequence of iterables, or an itertools.repeat instance Examples -------- In [1]: ensure_sequence_of_iterables([1, 2]) Out[1]: repeat([1, 2]) In [2]: ensure_sequence_of_iterables([(1, 2), (3, 4)]) Out[2]: [(1, 2), (3, 4)] In [3]: ensure_sequence_of_iterables({'a':1}) Out[3]: repeat({'a': 1}) In [4]: ensure_sequence_of_iterables(None) Out[4]: repeat(None) """ if obj is not None and is_sequence(obj) and is_iterable(obj[0]): if length is not None and len(obj) != length: raise ValueError(f"length of {obj} must equal {length}") return obj return itertools.repeat(obj) def formatdoc(obj): """Substitute globals and locals into an object's docstring.""" frame = inspect.currentframe().f_back try: obj.__doc__ = obj.__doc__.format( **{**frame.f_globals, **frame.f_locals} ) return obj finally: del frame class StringEnumMeta(EnumMeta): def __getitem__(self, item): """set the item name case to uppercase for name lookup""" if isinstance(item, str): item = item.upper() return super().__getitem__(item) def __call__( cls, value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, ): """set the item value case to lowercase for value lookup""" # simple value lookup if names is None: if isinstance(value, str): return super().__call__(value.lower()) elif isinstance(value, cls): return value else: raise ValueError( f'{cls} may only be called with a `str`' f' or an instance of {cls}. Got {builtins.type(value)}' ) # otherwise create new Enum class return cls._create_( value, names, module=module, qualname=qualname, type=type, start=start, ) def keys(self): return list(map(str, self)) class StringEnum(Enum, metaclass=StringEnumMeta): def _generate_next_value_(name, start, count, last_values): """autonaming function assigns each value its own name as a value""" return name.lower() def __str__(self): """String representation: The string method returns the lowercase string of the Enum name """ return self.value camel_to_snake_pattern = re.compile(r'(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)') camel_to_spaces_pattern = re.compile( r"((?<=[a-z])[A-Z]|(?<!\A)[A-R,T-Z](?=[a-z]))" ) def camel_to_snake(name): # return camel_to_snake_pattern.sub(r'\1_\2', name).lower()
[docs]def camel_to_spaces(val): return camel_to_spaces_pattern.sub(r" \1", val)
T = TypeVar('T', str, Sequence[str]) def abspath_or_url(relpath: T) -> T: """Utility function that normalizes paths or a sequence thereof. Expands user directory and converts relpaths to abspaths... but ignores URLS that begin with "http", "ftp", or "file". Parameters ---------- relpath : str or list or tuple A path, or list or tuple of paths. Returns ------- abspath : str or list or tuple An absolute path, or list or tuple of absolute paths (same type as input). """ from urllib.parse import urlparse if isinstance(relpath, (tuple, list)): return type(relpath)(abspath_or_url(p) for p in relpath) if isinstance(relpath, (str, PathLike)): relpath = fspath(relpath) urlp = urlparse(relpath) if urlp.scheme and urlp.netloc: return relpath return path.abspath(path.expanduser(relpath)) raise TypeError("Argument must be a string, PathLike, or sequence thereof") class CallDefault(inspect.Parameter): def __str__(self): """wrap defaults""" kind = self.kind formatted = self._name # Fill in defaults if ( self._default is not inspect._empty or kind == inspect._KEYWORD_ONLY ): formatted = f'{formatted}={formatted}' if kind == inspect._VAR_POSITIONAL: formatted = '*' + formatted elif kind == inspect._VAR_KEYWORD: formatted = '**' + formatted return formatted def all_subclasses(cls: Type) -> set: """Recursively find all subclasses of class ``cls``. Parameters ---------- cls : class A python class (or anything that implements a __subclasses__ method). Returns ------- set the set of all classes that are subclassed from ``cls`` """ return set(cls.__subclasses__()).union( [s for c in cls.__subclasses__() for s in all_subclasses(c)] ) def ensure_n_tuple(val, n, fill=0): """Ensure input is a length n tuple. Parameters ---------- val : iterable Iterable to be forced into length n-tuple. n : int Length of tuple. Returns ------- tuple Coerced tuple. """ assert n > 0, 'n must be greater than 0' tuple_value = tuple(val) return (fill,) * (n - len(tuple_value)) + tuple_value[-n:] def ensure_layer_data_tuple(val): if not (isinstance(val, tuple) and (0 < len(val) <= 3)): raise TypeError(f'Not a valid layer data tuple: {val!r}') return val def ensure_list_of_layer_data_tuple(val): if isinstance(val, list) and len(val): try: return [ensure_layer_data_tuple(v) for v in val] except TypeError: pass raise TypeError('Not a valid list of layer data tuples!') def pick_equality_operator(obj) -> Callable[[Any, Any], bool]: """Return a function that can check equality between ``obj`` and another. Rather than always using ``==`` (i.e. ``operator.eq``), this function returns operators that are aware of object types: mostly "array types with more than one element" whose truth value is ambiguous. This function works for both classes (types) and instances. If an instance is passed, it will be first cast to a type with type(obj). Parameters ---------- obj : Any An object whose equality with another object you want to check. Returns ------- operator : Callable[[Any, Any], bool] An operation that can be called as ``operator(obj, other)`` to check equality between objects of type ``type(obj)``. """ import operator type_ = type(obj) if not inspect.isclass(obj) else obj # yes, it's a little riskier, but we are checking namespaces instead of # actual `issubclass` here to avoid slow import times _known_arrays = { 'numpy.ndarray': np.array_equal, # numpy.ndarray 'dask.Array': operator.is_, # dask.array.core.Array 'zarr.Array': operator.is_, # zarr.core.Array 'xarray.DataArray': np.array_equal, # xarray.core.dataarray.DataArray } for base in type_.mro(): key = f'{base.__module__.split(".", maxsplit=1)[0]}.{base.__name__}' func = _known_arrays.get(key) if func: return func return operator.eq def dir_hash(path: Union[str, Path], include_paths=True, ignore_hidden=True): """Compute the hash of a directory, based on structure and contents.""" import hashlib hashfunc = hashlib.md5 if not Path(path).is_dir(): raise TypeError(f"{path} is not a directory.") _hash = hashfunc() for root, _, files in os.walk(path): for fname in sorted(files): if fname.startswith(".") and ignore_hidden: continue # update the hash with the file contents file = Path(root) / fname _hash.update(file.read_bytes()) if include_paths: # update the hash with the filename fparts = file.relative_to(path).parts _hash.update(''.join(fparts).encode()) return _hash.hexdigest()